Be ready for WAR.
We end the first quarter of the year 2020.

That is why it is oft said that a year has 4 quarters. January-March; April-June; July – September, then October-December. A quarter, that is, ordinarily is made up of four elements.
(the first four months in this case

Can we then present the year can also be seen in another angle? For example, since a quarter is made up of four elements, we want to re-group the months into fours of three ( 4 by 3 if you want it), in other words, 4 months × 3 giving us 12 months.

This accepted, we can spiritually link the number four (4) to the WORLD (which is represented by the 4 cardinal points – north, South, east and west), while Three (3) symbolically will represent the TRINITY ( God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit).

Every year then, is lived as experienced with the Trinity

Therefore, beloved, observe the ‘first quarter’ which ends today (30th April 2020) as the end of a part (a fraction or section) of your year.

Providentially, there remains two more quarters (May-August) and later (September-December) to live, beginning tonight.

Be ready with your WAR in the remaining quarters.
Beloved, we journeyed for the first times during the 40 day LENT as Israel. The difference being that Israel “walked and lived” that experience for a 40 year period but ours lasted 40 days ( under lock down).
Our experience in this lock down may help us not to blame Israel too much. Why? Check this comparison:
We under lock down in 2020 versus Israel lock down in the desert for 40 years.
1. Some wanted to return to Egypt – Like us some have desired to return to former ways without learning any lessons from this period.
2. Some died along the way – like us in 2020, many have lost their lives because of this virus
3. Some denied, ridiculed, insulted and rejected God – like us many have ridiculed and insulted God, doubting his existence
4. They didn’t understand why they had to choose that long road while there was a shorter one – like us many don’t understand why this lock down has too so long a time to end
4. Many nations came and did war against Israel- Ex 17: 8. – *like us, a few evil men and women, induced by Satan will continue to wage war against us in this year 2020 and beyond. Praise God we have found out how be WARLIKE to face them.

After the desert the BEAUTIFUL LAND FLOWING WITH MILK AND HONEY- After this pandemic there still lies ahead a beautiful year 2020
If you haven’t cultivated silence in order to listen to God, you may still be lagging behind. You need sharp senses to discover what strategies they will next use after this pandemic.
Is 50:4 “Morning after morning God awakens us to hear and perceive” how they will attack. Do you hear? Pick up the WAR and you will hear.

The enemy will continue to invite us to war, every now and then; again and again.

But let’s WAR him likewise.

WORD OF GOD- Keep your bible with you. A daily reading and praying will save you.
ADORATION – You know the attributes of God- 1Chr 29:11-12; Jude 1:25; Rev 5:12,13.
REVERENCE – The greatest sin in this century is that man has lost or missed reverence due GOD. (God is enough, say No to use and reading of horoscopes and zodiac symbols.

WAR may also be read as WORD of God; ADORATION; ROSARY (REVERENCE).

Louis Cecilia Adu-Poku
April 30th 2020.


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